Quick Note: This will be the first post of a 4 part
series profiling JD.
When you hear the number 13 what
is your first thought? Unlucky, right? Even if you don’t believe in luck you
still think about 13 as this strange number everyone should avoid.
Triskaidekaphobia is the fear of the number 13 – this is medically documented
fear. Most tall buildings throughout the U.S. skip right past the number 13
taking you from 12 to 14. If fact, JD’s NICU was on the 14th floor
at Lurie’s Children’s Hospital yet there was no number 13 on the elevator so
technically it was the 13th floor. We even had friends who
considered waiting a year to have a baby because they did not want their
child’s birthday to have the year 2013. Crazy huh?
Well, I don’t buy. Big
whoop. 13 is just another number. I find it be an ugly number (1 and 3 together
– ugh….ly). I much prefer even numbers. With all that I said, I do not find 13
to be scary or unlucky . . . at least until this year.
We are officially 11 weeks
into 2013 and we have spent at least one
day (if not more) each week working through some medical occurrence
regarding JD.
The year began with confirmation
the hole in is heart is, as Connor would say, big and big and BIG (more on
that). Followed by a bumpy ambulance drive down Lake Shore Drive for our first
hospital stay of the year (unfortunately, not our last) due to RSV. With
seizures, an intense blister leading to an ER visit, random colds, EEGs, heart tests,
therapies, and follow-up doctor’s appointments I am beginning to believe all
the hype around that ridiculous number. People are trying to get rid of the
penny maybe we should get rid of the number 13.
As I have spent more time
discussing JD and his medical complexities with new and old doctors I realized
. . . this is confusing stuff. With that in mind I have decided to
create a profile of this handsome little man of ours. We will start at the head
and work our way down to the toes. I will do my best to keep it top line . .
.but lets be honest these will be long. Sit back with a glass (actually it will
take a bottle) of wine, put on a fresh pot of coffee, and some yoga pants as
you read the profile from the noggin to the tootsies of this handsome little
The Noggin (Head)
From the front, JD’s head is
perfectly round and adorable. However, the back of his head, while still
adorable is not perfectly round. After many months lying on his back in the
NICU plus not being cleared for tummy time until he was almost 4 months old and
the lack of full neck support his head has become flat on the left side.
In December, JD had a
Starscan, a machine which takes a 3D image of his head, to create and mold a
custom helmet. The helmet has space in the back to keep JD off his head while
he is lying down allowing it to grow. When kids are on their heads for too
long it can effect how their heads mature by restricting growth.
Good news:
His head is only mildly flat. In order to qualify for a helmet JD needed to
fall within a range of “numbers” (calculated from the Starscan); he barely fell
within that range. The process usually takes an average of 4 months of 23
hours/day helmet wearing but JD tends to grow a little bit slower so he may be
rockin’ the head protection for a bit longer. Although, his numbers tell us we
have less work to do. In the coming weeks we will be adding some bling to the
helmet so stay tuned for the designer version.
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The Noodle (Brain)
JD’s seizure activity was
explained in great detail in the previous post. Two weeks ago, our 6 hour EEG went well as the
doctors were able to extract the data they needed to gather some answers. During the EEG it
was my job to push a button anytime I saw seizure or questionable activity.
During review of the data some of the events were in fact seizures while others
were not. Judging from the doctor’s reaction we have nothing to worry about at
this time. Keeping the seizure activity in check is key for upcoming surgeries.
As of now, the doctors “see no brain reason not to move forward with surgery.”
She actually said, “Neurology can be lower on your list of concerns.”
Good News:
Dr. Neurology continues to be impressed with JD’s health, his growth and his
reflexes. Stay the course is the prescription from the doctors. He will
continue to receive the same dose of his seizure meds (very low dose of a
“light” seizure medication – there are some meds which are very intense with
powerful side effects, lucky that is not necessary for JD at this time).
Snuggles at our 6 hour EEG |
The Windows to the Soul (Eyes)
Let’s be honest, there is
nothing cuter than a little kid with glasses. And I have the hipster glasses along with a fedora all picked out for JD . . . if he needs them. Wolf-Hirschhorn
puts JD at a higher risk for glaucoma and vision problems. At this point we are
only being followed by ophthalmology
to remain ahead of any future problems. Every 2 – 4 months we have an
appointment with the corky Dr. Ophthalmology to check out JD’s eyes and test
his eye pressure (glaucoma test).
Good News: Thus far things are positive and his eyes are not a
concern. His pressures are within normal range and his vision seems to be okay
for now. With his therapies he is tracking well with his eyes and enjoying
watching his brother fly to infinity and beyond – over and over and over again.
Once a day for 30 minutes we patch his left eye to help strengthen his slightly
droopy right eyelid. A droopy eyelid can
effect vision in the future but as of now there are no issues with his right
Currently, we are just
waiting and watching so I guess I will hold off on the baby Ray Bans.
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Look deep into my eyes |
The Sound Canal (Ears)
Babies are administered a test
to screen hearing shortly after birth. If a child fails the newborn hearing
screen they will be given a second more in-depth hearing test called an ABR. JD
failed the first test twice during his NICU stay. Now . . . I have never received a
failing grade in my life; however, I do not blame JD seeing as he had 4½ less
weeks to study due to being born early.
After the failed hearing
screens the powers that be tried the next level of testing, an ABR – twice -
while in the NICU. Nope, no good. He needed to remain asleep for the duration
of the test but alas he was partying. Therefore, we waited until we were
outpatient. The results were updated in the October post.
Bottom line:
JD has some hearing loss meaning he can
hear but at lower tones. It’s obvious he knows my voice and Nate’s voice and
Connor’s voice as he will turn to watch us when we speak. The previous next
steps were to place tubes in his
ears, test with another ABR, and reassess. However, due to the new seizure
activity as well as his heart complexities (will discuss more in the heart
section) the tubes are on the backburner for now.
JD is relieved given
Connor’s passion for loud singing while playing his guitar or drums.
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What'd you say? I cannot hear you over my big brother |
The Cleft Palate (Mouth)
From the outside JD’s mouth is
small and perfect but from the inside it’s all one big open area. As mentioned
in the Medical Jargon section a cleft palate occurs when the roof of
the mouth is not completely closed. On occasion both the lip and the palate can
be cleft or just the lip or just the palate. In JD’s case it is only the palate
but not the lip.
An individual with a cleft
palate can learn to use a specialized bottle prior to surgery. Unfortunately
for our little man due to his recessed chin, high risk for aspiration, and
early-on neck restrictions we were unable to push the bottle as aggressively as
we would have liked. We tried and had a few bright moments of success but with
his many other medical obstacles we felt it would be counter-productive to his
Normally they look to fix a
cleft palate around a year of age. JD was on track to have the palate fixed
shortly after his first birthday; however, with the addition of his seizures,
the upcoming open heart surgery (more on that in the heart section) and the
fact he breathes through his cleft into his nose the cleft repair has been
pushed down on the list of priorities. For us, this is not a concern as he gets
100% of his nutrition from his G-Tube and he is growing at a good rate.
Bonus News: For all of JD’s medical complexities he was put
together perfectly. Having a small, recessed chin pulls the tongue to the back
of the mouth restricting the airway. Many children with JD’s chin would have already
had jaw distraction surgery due to major breathing issues . . . but not JD. His
cleft palate created a new airway for JD allowing him to breathe with ease in
spite of his recessed chin. Balance is what this kid is – Ying & Yang
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This is the biggest smile you will get out of me while I am in a duck towel |
The Chinny Chin Chin (Micrognathia)
As we sat waiting to see the
doctor at our 20-week ultrasound, Nate and I stared at the profile picture
quietly pondering the exaggerated overbite. It was the first sign something was
amiss. Just a few moments later Dr. OBGYN would tell us about the other
anomalies in the ultrasound thus starting our journey.
Confession: In the beginning, I was nervous about JD’s future
appearance. I was concerned a recessed chin would enhance the difference in
JD’s appearance. That was before he was born. Once I saw him I feel in love
with that chin. When we fix the cleft palate we will have to fix the chin as
well. Fixing the cleft with close what we believe to be a strong airway for JD
so we will need to pull his chin forward to open the airway in the back of this
Additional Confession: I am very sad about pulling his chin forward. I love
it. It shows off his cheeks with no distractions. Once again, our prenatal
fears for JD disappeared once he joined the world.
The recessed chin is also a
concern for breathing when he goes under anesthesia. Leading up to his cardiac
cath they were very concerned about his breathing while being sedated and the
team was all set to use a breathing tube (a tube in and of itself can be a problem). I
know I sound like an annoying broken record but JD proved everyone wrong. He
was breathing so well they did not intubate him. This kid is a miracle.
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Big cheeks make up for a small chin |
The Tilt (Neck)
Recap -- JD was born with his C1 and C2 vertebrae out of
line (his cervical spine was kinked). From day 3 of life he has worn a soft
collar to help keep his bones and muscles straight as they grow. Amazingly the
makeshift soft collar allowed his neck to strengthen and straighten over the
past 11 months. At our last x-ray
the doctor was so pleased he now only wears the collar at night or in the car.
Good News: Discussion of neck fusion surgery has been pushed to
the bullpen. We work on strengthening his neck everyday as he pushes to hold
his head up all on his own.
Just taking a break from working on my neck |
**That was a long one. Hope
it only took one bottle.
Wow Jen. thanks for taking the time to share the latest and greatest on JD's medical miracles! We think of you guys often and you, Nate, Connor, and JD are an inspiration. Thank you for somehow finding the time to keep us updated---I LOVE to hear how well he is doing and am in awe of your candor, positive outlook, and inspiring perspective. You guys pretty much rock. TEAM JD!! :)